Stereoscopic Society
The Stereoscopic Society brings together all who are interested in viewing or taking photographs or making videos in 3-Dimensions. Movies are being made in 3D, many TVs are now able to display 3D images. Some phones, tablets, notebook computers and electronic photo frames include 3D displays. Some can even display 3D without using special glasses.
Many grew up with the Stereocards and viewers contained in Weetabix packets of the 1960s, others with the marvels of the View-Master reels available from many souvenir shops throughout the last few decades of the 20th Century. There have been many 3D movies, including Jurassic Park, Avatar and many more. Do you have a 3D TV at home? How about showing holiday photos in full 3D on your 3D TV? Go one further and produce home 3D movies.
Join the Stereoscopic Society and you too can be producing 3D still photographs and 3D movies using one of the commercially available 3D cameras, or, for the more adventurous a home built 3D camera rig. The Society has many members to help with wonderful 3D productions. Many members have their own specialities such as wildlife, time lapse, macro and microscopic work, all of which they would love to share.
- Regular meetings in London, the Midlands and Edinburgh
- Receive The Stereoscopic Society’s Journal of 3D Imaging
- Peer review Folio Groups
- Have access to over 100 books in the Society’s Library
- Specialist Stereoscopic Supplies and Publications
- A 3 day Convention held annually
- Annual Exhibition/Competition
- Newsletter e-mailed directly to you
The Stereoscopic Society was founded in 1893 Its membership has a long tradition of capturing the world stereoscopically in 3D using ready made cameras and self build equipment for over 125 years. Their interests lay across the full spectrum of activities from digitally produced Audiovisual shows to digital and film photography and making of traditional stereo cards and many other things.
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Founding year
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Last modified:
2023-10-18 13:34:34