Centre for Law and Social Change
A hub for connections on the topic of law and social change and a space to generate debate, between scholars, students, practitioners, and policy makers.
In all areas of law scholars, practitioners and policy makers seek to generate positive change through law. Students with a commitment to social justice and human rights seek careers in law with the hope of defending the rights and interests of the vulnerable as against their oppressors.
At the same time, both the limits of law’s emancipatory potential, as well as the role of law in structuring global inequality, have been noted and examined by critical legal scholars and practitioners alike.
The limits of, and obstacles to legal reform have been identified in various areas and, for example the potentials of accountability litigation are regularly explored, be it in areas such as universal jurisdiction or business and human rights.
If law is to play a role in the transition to a fairer, more equal world it is clear that the ways, instances and methods for legal intervention require deeply engaged deliberation from all angles and contexts.
This centre seeks to: act as a hub for connections on the topic of law and social change; create a space to generate debate between scholars, practitioners, and policy makers and students alike; generate a debate in public events, through publications in scholarly and practitioner journals, in depth research projects, legal interventions and mainstream media.
Offers funding
No, this infrastructure does not provide funding.
Contact details
10 Northampton Square
United Kingdom
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University affiliation(s)
City, University of London
Northampton Square
Last modified:
2024-09-24 00:00:15