Applied Games and Gaming Research (AGGR)
Applied Games and Gaming Research provides games-focused and games-driven interdisciplinary analysis, research, outreach, and socially impactful projects in all areas of digital and traditional play and gaming, including immersive technologies, applied and gamified solutions for social inclusivity, and citizen science and crowdsourcing projects.
The team draws on the broad, interdisciplinary expertise of the Digital Arts Division. It focuses on the research areas of games-based learning and applied and serious games, applied design, and gamified tech.
The members of the team enjoy a first-hand view of games production processes with contacts with the creative and entertainment industries from the standpoint of design, technology, art, and games-specific research. They specialise in areas of technology and design such as player experience, mixed reality game design, interactive narrative design, multisensory embodied interaction, and sustainability in and through games.
They also offer expertise in games and visual art, art thinking and creativity and games as artistic media, as well as in production studies and interactive storytelling. The team’s remit includes technical production as well as games theory and aesthetics and all areas of research that connect games to the broader creative industries, including cinematic games, music and ludomusicology.
Its approach encompasses critical media, gender, and cultural studies, looking at games through the lens of media theory and digital game aesthetics and focusing on crucial issues such as equality, diversity, and inclusion, censorship, subversive play, queer gaming, and decolonisation.
The group fosters anthropological, social, and historical research on play and players, looking at games’ complex role and challenging relations with power and politics. Its areas of work include heritage and public memory and nostalgia, the histories of digital and traditional games, and the global, national, and regional planes of the production and consumption of games as vehicles of culture and identity.
Offers funding
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Kingston Lane
United Kingdom
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University affiliation(s)
Brunel University, Uxbridge and London
Kingston Lane
Partner Infrastructures
Brunel Creative is a gateway to work in the use of digital technology across the arts, sciences and engineering. The researchers expertise is drawn from the depth and breadth of their research and t… read more about Brunel Creative
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United Kingdom
Last modified:
2024-09-24 00:00:12