Masculinities Hub
The Masculinities Research Hub convenes practitioners and theorists interested in all aspects of menswear and masculinities.
This cross-disciplinary hub fosters the exploration of the multiple meanings and forms of contemporary and historic masculinities. The plural ‘masculinities’ is used to reflect the increasingly broad definition of various social and cultural groups.
Formerly subsumed into gender studies and queer theory, this visionary hub forefronts the germane subject of masculinities through theory and practice. Areas of interest will include the media, imagery, business, production, consumption, representation, design, history, health, fitness and sport, music and performance, grooming, age, race, gender, and sexuality, as well as the body and dressed appearance.
LCF has a long tradition of engaging with menswear and masculinity and the hub will explore the future of what masculinities might look like and be perceived as being in a broad range of cultural contexts. It will be a forum for multiple perspectives from makers, scholars and commentators and aims to cultivate lively dialogue and develop novel research outputs, through round table discussions, themed symposia, workshops, and presentations.
UAL staff, students and colleagues external to the University, are welcome to join associated activities relevant to the hub's aims and objectives.
Offers funding
No, this infrastructure does not provide funding.
Contact details
20 John Princes Street
United Kingdom
On the map
Project Tags
University affiliation(s)
University of the Arts London
272 High Holborn
Last modified:
2023-09-20 15:00:30