Stirling Centre for Interpreting, Translation and Intercultural Studies (SCITIS)
The mission of the Stirling Centre for Interpreting, Translation and Intercultural Studies (SCITIS) is to foster national and international cooperation in the fields of Translation Studies, Interpreting Studies and Intercultural Studies to address issues that are relevant to increasingly globalised, diverse societies across the world and have an impact on policy and practice. It engages with the UN Sustainable Development Goals through projects that address priorities within the Global Challenges agenda.
The Centre’s focus is interdisciplinarity, which enhances its potential to generate impact through collaboration with experts in other fields and contributes to breaking down barriers between disciplines.
Its overarching aim is to generate rigorous research that advances knowledge in Translation Studies, Interpreting Studies and Intercultural Studies in partnership with academic and non-academic bodies, as well as with communities that can benefit directly from its findings.
To achieve this aim, the Centre has set the following objectives:
- to develop links with the industry and the public sector through professional bodies such as Institute of Translation and Interpreting (ITI), Chartered Institute of Linguists (CIOCL), the National Network for Translation and the National Network for Interpreting;
- to develop collaborative research projects that can deliver impact and attract external funding;
- to organise a range of research and public-engagement activities and events, including conferences and seminars, that build on the Faculty’s and the University’s international reputation for academic excellence;
- to strengthen current partnerships and collaboration with academic institutions in the UK and beyond, and to forge new ones.
Offers funding
No, this infrastructure does not provide funding.
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University affiliation(s)
University of Stirling
Partner Infrastructures
National Network for Translation
The National Network for Translation is part of the Routes into Languages programme, a governmental initiative funded the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE). The network aims to pro… read more about National Network for Translation
United Kingdom
Last modified:
2023-09-20 15:00:27