Creative Industries Policy And Evidence Centre
The Policy and Evidence Centre is led by Nesta, the innovation foundation, and involves a UK-wide consortium of universities and one joint enterprise. They are: Birmingham, Cardiff, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Work Advance, London School of Economics, Manchester, Newcastle, Sussex, and Ulster.
The Centre provides a step-change for three main stakeholders - industry, policymakers and the wider research community - in the quality of evidence for the creative industries. It consults industry about the challenges that the sector faces, from its limited diversity, to skills gaps, barriers to trade, and local growth in the sector. It puts these questions to a UK-wide group of researchers, and feed the evidence and policy advice back to policymakers. This unique model ensures that the Centre's research and policy recommendations are relevant, and meet the needs and priorities of the people working in the sector.
Offers funding
No, this infrastructure does not provide funding.
Founding year
Contact details
Newcastle Helix
Newcastle upon Tyne
United Kingdom
On the map
Project Tags
University affiliation(s)
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne
Partner Infrastructures
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The R S A
8 John Adam Street
United Kingdom
Partner Universities
Cardiff University
London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
Ulster University
University of Birmingham
University of Edinburgh
University of Glasgow
University of Manchester
University of Sheffield
University of Sussex
Last modified:
2024-03-15 15:52:10