Health Communication and Wellbeing Research Group
The School has a strong research interest in Health Communication and Wellbeing, which was reflected in two impact case studies submitted during the REF 2014 exercise. The research focus has since expanded to encompass aspects of health communication and wellbeing across various forms of media, including legacy and digital media, and involving diverse stakeholders such as advertisers, educators, third-sector organizations, health service providers, policymakers, and citizens.
The Health Communication and Wellbeing Research Group explores the intersection of lay expertise and scientific knowledge in health communication processes, the impact of digital communication on health information exchange, and the implications of living in knowledge societies where big data and open data are significant concepts. The team welcomes multidisciplinary and international collaborations and is currently working with colleagues from population health sciences, computer science, psychology, and sociology.
The team's key research questions include investigating the media's impact on public understandings of health issues and illnesses, examining the effect of social media communication on public health debate and health service delivery, improving patient-health professional communication, exploring the relationship between risk perception and understanding of health and illnesses, assessing the roles of eHealth and mHealth in delivering health information and interventions, investigating the effect of migration, ageing, and retiring on wellbeing, and understanding how eHealth reconfigures health care provision and regulation.
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University Road
United Kingdom
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University affiliation(s)
University of Leicester
University Road
Last modified:
2023-09-20 15:00:18