Law, Society and Justice Research and Enterprise Group
The Law, Society and Justice (LawSoJust) Research and Enterprise Group brings together academics from law and related social science disciplines, who are active in the fields of social justice and accountability. The group shares a distinctly critical and socio-legal approach, which highlights the role law plays, both, in driving for social justice but also in maintaining certain social injustices. It explores the interplay between law and justice in the social context. This relevant social context, ranges from the local, national and international to the specific disadvantaged groups within society such as indigenous peoples, vulnerable groups and racial minorities. The group examines contemporary legal and social issues which arise in various contexts, such as issues of: racial inequality, modern slavery, hate crimes, indefinite detention, corporate accountability, corporate governance, comparative international law and human rights.
The group aims to provide a support network for research activities related to law, society and justice. It will develop links with legal practitioners, policy-makers and non-governmental organisations. The group also organises activities which are open to students and the wider research community to disseminate research findings, stimulate debate and advance collaborations. It intends to develop bids and apply for grants with the aim of becoming a centre for research and enterprise excellence in the future.
Offers funding
No, this infrastructure does not provide funding.
Contact details
Mithras House
Lewes Road
United Kingdom
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Project Tags
University affiliation(s)
University of Brighton
Mithras House
Lewes Road
Last modified:
2023-09-20 15:00:07