UCL Labour Rights Institute (LRI)
The UCL Labour Rights Institute's principal aim is to promote teaching and research at UCL in labour law subjects.
For the purposes of the Institute, ‘labour law’ is broadly defined as including individual and collective labour law, and anti-discrimination and equality law, at a domestic, European, international, and comparative level.
Labour market regulation and issues of labour migration also fall within the Institute’s core areas of interest and work, and the Institute has a distinct vocation for comparative and European/supranational analytical and critical studies.
The LRI seeks to achieve these objectives in a number of ways: chiefly by organising conferences, seminars and lectures on labour law subjects, establishing interdisciplinary links with other UCL Institutes and Centres, and building networks of contacts with government departments, international organizations, the social partners, and institutions and groups working in the area of labour law.
The Institute also encourages co-operative work with other universities with special interests in labour law subjects with a view to developing programmes of visits, staff exchanges, and collaborative research. Its work is organised on the basis of ‘research streams’. The Institute currently has five ongoing streams:
- Migrations Stream – coordinated by Dr Ingrid Boccardi
- Work Relations Stream – coordinated Professor Nicola Countouris
- Collective Rights - coordinated by Professor John Hendy QC
- Human Rights Stream - coordinated by Dr Virginia Mantouvalou
- Equality Stream – coordinated by Dr Colm O’Cinneide
Labour law as an academic subject can rely on a long and proud tradition here at UCL. Roger Rideout was one of the pioneers in the development of labour law as an academic subject, and its progressive ‘emancipation’ from other disciplines such as industrial relations and, to some extent, contract law.
Labour law has always been taught, under various denominations, as a successful undergraduate and, more recently, postgraduate course, and the Faculty members are actively involved in a number of important national and international forums and institutions dedicated to the study of labour law and the development of employment rights.
Offers funding
No, this infrastructure does not provide funding.
Contact details
Gower Street
United Kingdom
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University affiliation(s)
University College London (UCL)
Gower St
Last modified:
2023-09-20 15:00:05