Institute of International Shipping and Trade Law (IISTL)
The Institute of International Shipping and Trade Law (IISTL) was established in 2000 as a specialist research and professional training centre within Swansea University's School of Law.
It promotes research and teaching of the highest standard in the fields of international shipping and trade law; and fosters co-operation with other academic institutions and professional, commercial, shipping, insurance and business organisations.
Over the last decade, the IISTL has gained a world-wide reputation for its contribution to research, policy-making, professional training and teaching in these areas.
The Annual Colloquium, first held in 2005, is a highlight of the academic year concerning maritime law in Europe and beyond. It has addressed the following issues over the years:
- Disruptive Technologies and Climate Change (2020/21)
- Ship Operations (2019)
- New Technologies in Shipping and Trade (2018)
- Maritime Liabilities (2017)
- Charterparties: Law, Practice and Emerging Legal Issues (2016)
- International Sales and Carriage of Goods (2015)
- Shipbuilding, Ship Sale and Ship Finance (2014)
- Offshore Contracts and Liabilities (2013)
- Contemporary Issues and New Perspectives on Pollution Liabilities and Ship Building and Finance (2012)
- Carriage of Goods-Sea Transport and Beyond (2012)
- Pollution at Sea: Law and Liability (2011)
- New Uses of the Sea (2010)
- Sixth European Colloquium on Maritime Law Research (2010)
- Rotterdam Rules (2009)
- Voyage Charterparties (2008)
- Time Charterparties (2007)
- Maritime Liabilities (2006)
- Marine Insurance (2005)
The IISTL maintains close connections with leading maritime and international organisations including maritime research centres at Dalian, Oslo, Rotterdam, Shanghai and in Tromsø and others, including but not limited to the International Maritime Organisatio and the Comité Maritime International. Several IISTL members have been involved in the debate on reforming aspects of shipping and insurance law, at domestic and international levels. Some have served on working groups of inter-governmental organisations or provided legal advice to key NGOs and institutions.
The IISTL operates a wide variety of professional courses for directors, managers and employees of shipping corporations, as well as a bespoke training programme for young solicitors working in the City Law firms. The IISTL also works closely with shipping organisations, such as the BIMCO, in organising professional training courses.
Several members offer consultancy services on various aspects of maritime and shipping law or help deliver the School’s LLM programmes in Commercial, Maritime, Trade, Oil, Gas and Renewable Energy, and Intellectual Property Law.
Membership of IISTL has grown considerably and it is proud to be one of the largest specialist research centres in Europe dedicated to shipping and trade law. It has a substantial research library of specialist materials available to IISTL members, PhD students and visiting scholars.
The award-winning IP Wales, which raises understanding of Intellectual Property among Welsh businesses, operates under the auspices of the IISTL.
Offers funding
No, this infrastructure does not provide funding.
Founding year
Contact details
Singleton Park
United Kingdom
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University affiliation(s)
Swansea University
Singleton Park
Partner Infrastructures
British Insurance Law Association (BILA)
BILA is a unique organisation, its membership being drawn from insurers, insurance brokers and other intermediaries, academic lawyers, solicitors and barristers. In addition to UK members, there… read more about British Insurance Law Association (BILA)
16 Chalcot Crescent
United Kingdom
British Maritime Law Association (BMLA)
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Reed Smith
The Broadgate Tower
20 Primrose Street
United Kingdom
Last modified:
2023-09-20 15:00:03