Experimental Linguistics Research Group
The Experimental Linguistics Research Group has state-of-the-art facilities for experimental research in linguistics.
It currently offers the following main research facilities, which are equipped with associated high-end recording equipment.
- Ultrasound imaging
- Eye-tracking
- EEG (full faraday cage)
- Sound-proof recording studios
These main facilities are housed in the following labs.
- The Phonetics Lab: The QMUL Phonetics Lab facilitates cutting edge research on speech production and perception, involving a diverse and interdisciplinary team of academics, researchers and students.
- The Language Acquisition Lab: In the Language Acquisition Lab members explore language development across the lifespan, from infancy to early adulthood, using a combination of behavioural and neurological (EEG) measures.
- The Morphemes and Meaning Lab largely focuses on issues related to morphological processing and representation, verbal argument structure and event morpho-syntax, and nominal semantic and pragmatic interpretation (genericity/quantification, mass/count), mostly in L1/monolingual adults, but with some work involving children, and more and more of the Group's projects involving bilinguals.
The facilities are available to trained postgraduate students and staff in the Department, as well as to visitors conducting related research. A facility fee for external users may be charged for funded research projects.
Offers funding
No, this infrastructure does not provide funding.
Contact details
Queen Mary University Of London
327 Mile End Road
327 Mile End Road
E1 4NS
United Kingdom
327 Mile End Road
327 Mile End Road
E1 4NS
United Kingdom
On the map
Project Tags
University affiliation(s)
Queen Mary, University of London
Mile End Rd
Bethnal Green
E1 4NS
Last modified:
2024-01-25 15:23:22