Children and Young People Network
The members of the Children and Young People Network share a common aspiration: to contribute to research and knowledge-building that will ultimately lead to improving children's and young people’s opportunities, experiences and outcomes.
Rooted in a recognition of the immense diversity in the lives of children and young people, the Network's research responds to an urgent need to better understand those lives from multiple perspectives, and to explore and identify ways of supporting children and young people as they negotiate the challenges, transitions and opportunities of these vital phases of their development.
The network works with:
- Children, young people, parents and families
- Young people as researchers
- Vulnerable groups
- Migrants
- Travellers
- Teen parents
- Children with disabilities
- Looked-after children
- Children from families with low incomes
- Children with parents in UK armed forces
- Health and education practitioners
- Charities
- Social care practitioners
- The police
- Commercial partners
Members conduct research locally, nationally and internationally, and examine how the contexts, cultures and spaces in which children and young people live, learn, play and work impact on their health, development and identity. This includes the opportunities and risks afforded by the digital and physical environments, the effects of discourses about children and young people, and the impact of broader social, economic, educational and health inequalities.
Research themes include:
- Education and development
- Health, lifestyle and wellbeing
- Children’s and young people’s worlds
Offers funding
No, this infrastructure does not provide funding.
Contact details
Gipsy Lane
United Kingdom
On the map
Project Tags
University affiliation(s)
Oxford Brookes University
Headington Rd
Last modified:
2023-09-20 14:59:59