Kipling Society
The Kipling society is a forum for people around the world who enjoy Kipling’s writings, in Europe, in America, in India and beyond, at home in an armchair or in reading groups. He was one of the world’s great story-tellers, vivid, magical, witty and memorable. If you know little of his writings, you have a treat in store.
The society holds five meetings a year and also several readings from his poems and tales. All are streamed world-wide on Zoom. The society also has a Journal published three times a year and a Library for members at Haileybury School. and researchers. A regular newsletter is issued and the Society's website contains the text of and commentary on all of Kipling's published works as well as mant other resources of interest to readers and of use to researchers.
An annual writing competition open to all is run, with a special section for children.
The Kipling Society will be hosting the Alliance of Literary Societies AGM weekend in Sussex in 2025, and will celeberate its own centenary in 2027.
Offers funding
Yes, this infrastructure provides funding in the following categories:
Founding year
Contact details
Doomsday Garden
RH13 6LB
United Kingdom
On the map
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Project Tags
Parent infrastructure(s)
Alliance of Literary Societies
The Alliance of Literary Societies is the umbrella organisation for literary societies and groups in the UK. It was formed in 1973 and currently has over 100 member societies. The alliance provid… read more about Alliance of Literary Societies
Additional Partnerships
Haileybury School Bateman's , The National Trust
Last modified:
2023-11-19 21:25:43