Centre for Business and Insolvency Law (CBIL)
The Centre for Business and Insolvency Law (CBIL) brings together expertise in legal and business practice, both nationally and internationally, addressing important challenges and contributing to debates.
Recent work has included analysis of the need for businesses to be sustainable and socially responsible; the challenges presented by new technologies, including artificial intelligence; ways in which struggling businesses can be supported; controls on abuses of the corporate format; and ways in which companies can harness the economic benefit of intellectual property.
The Centre is strongly international in outlook, with excellent links with India, China and Turkey. Recent projects have been supported by research grants from the Economic and Social Research Council, the Global Challenges Research Fund, the Natural Science Foundation of China, the Ministry of Education of People’s Republic of China, and the Social Science Foundation of China.
The Centre enjoys strong links with practice and members have regularly organised conferences in collaboration with professional organisations and firms. Highlight events have included the annual conference of the Partnership, the annual conference in the Intersection Between Corporate Law and Technology, and other national and international fora. Other collaborations with practitioners have included an innovative webinar roundtable discussion in which Centre Professors discussed with practitioners the question “will Covid-19 change legal systems permanently?”. The Centre is also proud of the collaborative organisation with UCL/Norton Rose of a Secured Transactions Reform conference. The Centre enjoys rewarding engagement with Honorary and Visiting Professors who have distinguished themselves in the field of insolvency law and business and human rights.
The Centre has a strong record of supporting early career researchers with several members having completed doctorates in the Centre. Its taught Masters’ modules are research-led and inspiring and there is a thriving doctoral community, with regular successful completions. It is notable that several Masters’ students have been inspired to study PhDs in the Centre, and there have been regular publications by PhD students and by Masters’ students.
The Centre publishes an open-access journal, Nottingham Insolvency and Business Law e-Journal, which has included special issue to support the partnership conference and to showcase the work of early career researchers, and invites submissions at any time.
Offers funding
No, this infrastructure does not provide funding.
Founding year
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University affiliation(s)
Nottingham Trent University
50 Shakespeare St
Last modified:
2023-09-20 14:59:58