Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience (CAWR)
The Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience is driving innovative, transdisciplinary research on the understanding and development of resilient food and water systems internationally.
Food and water security is increasingly threatened by factors such as climate and environmental change, loss of biodiversity, conflict and market volatility. New knowledge, policies and technologies are needed to develop systems that are more resilient to change and which ensure the health of food and water supplies. Resilient systems are better able to bounce back from stresses caused by longer-term change or short-term events - be it natural processes such as flooding, or human impacts such as war or water pollution incidents.
Through its focus on food and water, the Centre’s research develops and integrates new knowledge in social, agroecological, hydrological and environmental processes, as well as the pivotal role that communities play in developing resilience. Unique to this Centre is the incorporation of citizen-generated knowledge - the participation of farmers, water users and other citizens in transdisciplinary research, using holistic approaches which cross many disciplinary boundaries. The Centre also aims to advance resilience science through creative work on a new generation of key issues linked to the governance of food systems, hydrological change, urban water, river processes, water quality and emerging pollutants.
The Centre undertakes research in the following areas:
- Resilient Food and Water Systems in Practice
- Fundamental Processes and Resilience
- Community Self-Organisation for Resilience
- Policies and Institutions to Enable Resilient Food and Water Systems
- Peoples Knowledge and Transdisciplinarity Working Group
Offers funding
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University affiliation(s)
Coventry University
Priory St
Last modified:
2023-12-12 16:26:16