Manchester School of Art Research Centre
Manchester School of Art Research Centre supports research in the School, and embodies Manchester Metropolitan University’s strengths in art, design, media and architecture research.
In the most recent Research Excellence Framework, art and design research at Manchester Metropolitan University was ranked 6th in the UK for overall research power, with two thirds of this research rated internationally excellent.
The Research Centre comprises of researchers and practitioners in contemporary art practice, visual culture, design, arts for health, media theory and practice, craft, and architecture.
Ongoing research is funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council and other funding bodies; staff have had particular success with Arts Council funding, which backed the Asia Triennial festival based in the School of Art; ongoing collaborations with the North West Film Archive have had direct impact on the communities of Greater Manchester. The School of Art has founding partner status with HOME, Manchester’s innovative arts centre, where three of the creative directors also hold professorships in the School. Staff in the Centre has an international reach with ongoing projects in China, Brazil, India and many other countries.
Manchester is a major centre for design and the creative industries, particularly new media design, and Manchester School of Art is well connected with design companies in the Northern Quarter and elsewhere. The Manchester design festival, Design Manchester was co-founded by the School of Art and the Centre also has strong relationships with other galleries and cultural organisations in the city.
There are over 100 research active staff supported by the Research Centre and it delivers one of the largest art and design research degree programmes in the UK.
Particular strengths are in arts and health, Asian cultures, digital arts and contemporary ceramics and textile arts practice. Manchester School of Art’s research is often disseminated within large public events, exhibitions and displays that become a focus around which the Centre generates creative and knowledge exchange activities.
Offers funding
No, this infrastructure does not provide funding.
Contact details
Chatham Building
Cavendish Street
M15 6BR
United Kingdom
On the map
Project Tags
University affiliation(s)
Manchester Metropolitan University
All Saints
All Saints Building
M15 6BH
Last modified:
2023-09-20 14:59:56